May 26, 2022
A whiff of the sweet smells of springtime are a seasonal joy. But the pollen-filled air also may send people with allergies running to their medicine cabinets. In this episode of NewsMD's "Health Fusion," Viv Williams gets tips on how to handle seasonal allergies from asthma and allergy specialist.
May 25, 2022
In warm weather, fleas like to set up shop in your pet's fur. Dogs and cats can bring them home after romping around outside with infested friends or in areas where squirrels or other wild animals frequent. In this episode of NewsMD's "Health Fusion," Viv Williams has tips on how to get rid of fleas on your pet and in...
May 24, 2022
Do you love fresh, homegrown produce but don't have a yard? In this episode of NewsMD's "Health Fusion," Viv Williams checks out her friend's DIY pallet vegetable for small spaces.
May 23, 2022
Research about the health benefits of nature and greenery keeps coming. In this episode of NewsMD's "Health Fusion," Viv Williams checks out a new study that shows increasing the amount of urban greenspace could have prevented thousands of deaths.
May 20, 2022
In today's world, stress is everywhere. Sometimes your to-do list becomes overwhelming. Meditation — even just 30 seconds a day— can help. In this episode of NewsMD's "Health Fusion," Viv Williams talks with a meditation expert who explains how it works, gives a shout out to a study that about how meditation helps...